Your personality profile is available to casting, booking, advertising and other visitors for browsing and saving. The more complete your profile is, the easier it is for bookers to find the specialty talent they're looking for.
You can update your details at any time.
Personality Profiles include a high resolution (4k) image for videos, a main headshot image, up to 8 additional portfolio images, as well as a reel update space where you can add your demo, up to 100 mg in size. If it's larger than that, link it to your youtube or we can upload it to our channel.
When there is no social media image available, the default fallback when your profile is shared is your headshot which will be expanded and cropped which may result in unintended / unfortunate visuals.
Dimensions in pixels - 955 w x 500 h
Resolution: 72 dpi at full size
Orientation: Landscape (horizontal)
Filesize up to 350k jpg or png
Upload a reel or self tape. Your video can be up to 100 mgs - mp3 or mp4. LANDSCAPE (TV not tiktok) orientation only. If your video is larger than that, link it to your youtube or we can upload it to our channel.