Join Mediability
Join Mediability

Casting & Booking
Start your specialty talent search here. View and search and save our Personality listings by disability, location, gender, age, and post your calls to reach a wide audience of disabled talent. All calls are free to post. This account INCLUDES Business tools access to add classes, workshops or other professional development opportunities.
Mediability is the international casting, marketing and advertising resource featuring disabled media professionals and performers.
We can help you find disabled talent for your next commercial, film, television, commercial, event or project. disabled media professionals and performers.
Search, browse, save and share Member Listings or post a free call to reach disabled talent around the world.
We can help you find disabled talent for your next commercial, film, television, commercial, event or project. disabled media professionals and performers.
Search, browse, save and share Member Listings or post a free call to reach disabled talent around the world.

Performers and Personalities
Be ready when casting and agencies come looking for their next star. Your Personality Listing profile is always visible, searchable, saveable and shareable. Personality Listing Members are also eligible for free inclusion in site promotion and access to Mediability Project Funding. Profile has headshot, video, portfolio, agency contacts, linked productions and more. This account INCLUDES Audition and Business tools access.

Open Call Submissions
You don't need a Personality Listing to submit for an Open Call. Register here to access the talent tools for any calls as well as member offers and professional development opportunities. You can submit to as many calls as you like. Upgrade to Personality Profile at any time.
What's the difference?
Personality Directory Listing
Always visible, searchable, short listable, savable and shareable. Profile headshot, video, portfolio, agency contacts, linked productions and more. Profile accounts are automatically able to access the Audition tools and apply for professional development and production funding.
Members who have uploaded high resolution images and / or submitted video clips are also included in social media promotions and Mediability print ads and video promotions.
Members who have uploaded high resolution images and / or submitted video clips are also included in social media promotions and Mediability print ads and video promotions.
Casting Call Talent Submissions
Free account to submit for specific calls. These are visible to Casting only, during the casting process and for 30 days after their call closes. These are not searchable or publicly viewable. You can submit to as many calls as you like.

Business Tools Access
Your business contact info, related people, related productions and access to the news, features, events and productions submissions areas for news and promotion.
These tools are INCLUDED with Casting Director and Talent Memberships.
These tools are INCLUDED with Casting Director and Talent Memberships.