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Mediability Funding Office

Project & Professional Development Funding

Authentic representation and accurate portrayals remain a problem for disabled talent both in front of and behind the camera. The most effective way to change this is to become the producers and decision makers on our own projects.

Mediability Productions's Project Fund helps Members produce independent projects that increase the visibility of disabled talent in the film, television, music, arts, advertising and all other forms of media.

Funding Criteria

For all funding: You must be a Member of with a current profile on the site for at least 60 day and have a permanent link to from your website. We do not fund non-members, members whose PERSONALITY PROFILE or business account is less than 60 days old, wages or fees for other website memberships.
Productions: Your project (film, podcast, video, musical or spoken word or live performance) should be in production / post-production stage and in the Member Productions section and the event calendar (if applicable) with a link on your site or social media back to and a Mediability Production Fund credit.
Events: Your event is SCHEDULED and is disabled produced or features disabled talent and is in the event calendar with a link on your event site back to Mediability Sponsor credit.
Classes and Workshops: Both presenters and attendees are eligible for funding if the class is 1) specifically for or welcomes disabled talent or if it's run by disabled entertainment professionals and 2) is in the event calendar with a link on the event site back to and 3) classes are listed in the Mediability Business section.
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Production Fund

For media projects that are in production or recently completed (within the past 6 months). Must include Mediability Production Fund in the credits.

Event Sponsorship

Events must be in the Events Calendar, the Mediability Festivals or other related business category and linking back to us in Event site sponsors areas.

Professional Development

Reimbursement for headshots, acting and/or improv classes, seminars and workshops. Must be completed and recent (previous 90 days).

Latest Promotional Video 10 second Marketing Agency Lookbook featuring disabled actors, models, athletes, speakers and other media professionals from around the world. This video is available in the Marketing Materials in the Affiliate Dashboard.