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Respond to a Call

Are you replying to a Casting Call?

It's as simple as filling in a form. You'll need a (free) Audition Account, a headshot, and some contact information. In some cases, you may need a video and you may be submitting on another site.

ALL casting calls are for disabled performers.

To submit, log in to access the Audition link and follow the instructions. The link will load either on a remote casting site, or here for inhouse service. If the casting is done here, enter the information in the form and enter the contact details and images. If the casting is offsite, enter the information requested.

Photo Call Submissions

To submit photos for consideration for the Mediability site promotions, access the Audition form and enter your contact details and up to 3 images.

Audition Submission Account

Register today to access the audition tools. Registration is free.

Mediability Audition Account

Please enter information on the form below to process your subscription for Audition Tools Account.

Existing user? Please login

New User? Please register

Account Information

By signing up to this subscription plan and agreeing to the Privacy Policy you agree to this web site storing your information.

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Why join?

Strength in numbers. Brands and agencies are actively looking for disabled talent and know they can find them here. The more people we have, the easier it is to fill roles.

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