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Project name: Chrystal Rose

Casting Call ID: 574

  • Request type: Casting Call
  • Project type: Film
  • Casting for: Supporting
  • Pay: Travel, Food, Minimum Equity Pay from Sale pf Film
  • Union: None / non-union
  • Role / Character: Aron Davies
  • Production dates: 9 days between 28.10.24 - 30.11.24
  • Location Requirement: London
  • Production location: London
  • Gender: Male
  • Age range: 40 - 60
  • Veteran Status: Not Required
Manual wheelchair user
Manual Wheelchair, Power wheelchair
Photo Topic:
  • Role / Project description: I wrote, produced, directed and funded a short film 'Too Young For Love', which premiered in Cannes this year, courtesy of Next Step Film Festival. Below is a link to the trailer. TYFL has now been selected for 23 festivals all over the world and has won in 11 categories, including: Best Director Best Female Director Best First Time Director Best International Short Film Best Short Film Best Female Lead Best Male Lead Best Production Design I have written a novel and follow up feature script to TYFL entitled 'United Kingdom Reparations'. I am aiming to produce and direct this movie in October this year. The story follows the life of a day-old baby girl who is abandoned in a London telephone box by her 15-year-old mother. She, Za Davies, becomes a barrister, but her picture-perfect life begins to unravel when she realises that she's marrying into a family whose vast wealth stems from the enslavement of her ancestor. I have approached the usual institutional funding bodies to no avail. I am just getting good at waiting. I have therefore decided to proceed as a 'no budget' project offering travel expenses and food to cast and crew who like the project enough to board. Whilst far from ideal, due to my lack of up front finance, my aim will be to offer fees from the back end, if profits are large enough to cover this. In light of the production costs, this shouldn't be an issue at all. If this is acceptable, I would be love to have a Zoom meeting with any white, male actors over 50, who are wheelchair bound to play the role of: “Aron Davies” Often quiet-spoken, a former 400 metre Olympic gold medallist, Aron’s a champion is so many ways. He never complains about the loss of the use of his legs which occurred as a result of a fall from a horse and he never lets his disability dampen his mood, even though his lower torso movements are defunct. His disability doesn’t hamper his outward desires or ultimately, his ability to become a father, in a loving sense. He’s protective over his adoptive child, the lead, Za Davies, is always bright and up for verbal banter. Inwardly, Aron battles with his confinement to a wheelchair and whether he is good enough. His daughter answers that question with an emphatic, “yes”. Aron’s heart is big enough to store compassion and a desire to always do and be better. Please do let me know whether there is any interest from your clients and I will forward the scenes which the character is in. I am organising a read through of the full script on Sunday 8th September at 2pm and would like all who are to form part of the cast to attend via Zoom. I will send both the full script and a Zoom link for this. I very much look forward to any responses. Kindest regards. Chrystal
  • Submission deadline date: 06.09.24
  • Submission instructions: Please send a photo, CV and if possible, Spotlight link

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